Retention adjustment techniques for an overly tight occlusal plate

Recognition and assessment


Although this issue currently affects fewer and fewer cases with the latest settings (V12.2 / 2024-03-05), it remains difficult to predict due to the variability of the factors at play. At Orbit 3D, we value honesty and transparency; we take all necessary measures to minimize this occurrence, without making the plaque in any way retentive. However, since human error is inevitable, it is good to know proper adjustment methods.


Orbit 3D is committed to minimizing the risk of necessary adjustments through precise manufacturing and rigorous quality control. However, given the unpredictability of post-production adjustments, being equipped with the knowledge and tools for on-site adjustment is essential.

Identifying problem areas

Retention surfaces play a key role in effective plaque retention. Using a very thin marking paper between the plaque and the teeth can help identify areas where retention is excessive.

Adjustment techniques

Delicate fit

  • Tools : Opt for precision instruments like fine burs to adjust retention areas, thereby preserving their function while reducing their effectiveness to a desired level.
  • Method : Make slight adjustments and regularly invite the patient to test the plaque. This avoids reducing retention too much, ensuring a balance between comfort and functionality.

Maintain calm

  • Patience and communication : Remaining calm and informing the patient of the steps being taken are essential for a successful adjustment process. Patience and transparent communication contribute to an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding.

If a case remains too tight

In situations where an adequate fit seems elusive after several attempts, Orbit 3D recommends filling out the review form. It is important not to return the plate; a new one will be sent free of charge within 48 hours, provided that the revision conditions are met.


Adjusting the retention surfaces of an occlusal plate requires a delicate and patient approach. With precise fitting techniques and a calm approach, most overtightening problems can be resolved effectively. For exceptional cases, where adjustment proves extremely difficult, Orbit 3D offers support and adapted solutions, thus ensuring patient satisfaction and comfort, while preserving the functional integrity of the occlusal plate.
